What are the benefits of Kundalini Yoga during pregnancy?
Every unborn baby is conscious of what its mother thinks, feels and consumes, and during pregnancy mothers have a huge influence on their baby's development.
Kundalini Yoga: • Heightens your awareness of being a mother.
• Reduces anxiety and helps women to relax and manage the pain of childbirth through breathing techniques.
• Improves the strength and flexibility of the pelvic muscles, so that mothers recuperate more quickly and fully after giving birth.
• Alleviates the tensions and pains associated with pregnancy (back pain, slow digestion, nausea, etc.)
• Allows mothers to transmit inner peace to their baby, helping it to grow into a stable and peaceful person.
• Builds a strong connection between mother, father and baby.
(n.b. Some mothers attend classes with their partners, and some attend classes on their own. Either one or both parents are welcome to participate in the classes.)
How are the classes different to normal Kundalini Yoga classes?
• The kriyas (series of postures) are focussed on improving the relationship between the mother and the baby inside of her.
• There are certain exercises, meditations and breathing techniques which shouldn't be done by pregnant mothers; and certain ones which are especially beneficial during pregnancy.
• There is more breathwork in a Yoga for Pregnancy class, and the dynamic postures are slower and more relaxing.
• Your partner is welcome to come to the classes with you, so that a connection may be built between both parents and their baby.
At what stage of pregnancy can you practise Kundalini Yoga? It is safe and healthy to practise yoga from the day you conceive until the day you give birth.
Any mother-to-be who wants their baby to be aware and happy is welcome in the class.
Yoga for Pregnancy is a specialised area, and it is important that your yoga teacher is qualified to teach yoga to pregnant women. (Octavio has been certified to teach Kundalini Yoga for Pregnancy by Akasha Kaur of the School of Happy Pregnancy.)
It is advisable to speak with your doctor about any type of exercise you plan to do while pregnant.
Follow your teacher's instructions during the classes and let your teacher know if you have any concerns or pains.