What is Kundalini Yoga?
Kundalini is the subtle energy which runs through the chakras (the wheel of energy) of every body and helps us to have a greater universal awareness. Kundalini Yoga is the technique and science through which we awaken this energy, and activate our glands for the good functioning of our mind, body and soul.
How is Kundalini Yoga different from other types of yoga?
Kundalini is one of the more spiritual forms of yoga. It uses mainly dynamic postures, as well as some static postures. It places a greater emphasis on breathing techniques, and on meditation with the use of mantras than many other types of yoga.
Who can practise Kundalini Yoga?
Everyone from babies to children, teenagers, adults, the elderly and pregnant women can practice Kundalini Yoga. Each group requires a teacher who is specialised in that area.
Yogi Bhajan Yogi Bhajan is widely credited for bringing Kundalini Yoga to the western world. He became a Master of Kundalini Yoga at the age of 16 in his native India, and in 1968 he moved to Los Angeles.
As well as teaching physical exercise, meditation and yogic breathing, Yogi Bhajan taught people how to live, how to relate to each other and how to relate to God. He established the 3HO organisation (Healthy, Happy, Holy Organisation), wrote over 30 books and over 200 manuals, and continually promoted the welfare and equality of women.
That yoga and meditation are today embraced by the west is largely a testament to Yogi Bhajan's vision and his life's work.